"Mariam Sarkissian's beautiful warm mezzo gives body to these salon pieces."
Jacques Bonnaure, Classica Juillet 2018 - CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies. Note: 3 étoiles du Classica

"Obviously, this impression of already hearing the Muse disguised as Hoffmann's companion is consolidated by the performance of Mariam Sarkissian, who was once a beautiful Oreste and who has exactly the voice we would like to hear in Nicklausse. The Mezzo sings these melodies with all the care and ardour usually reserved for consecrated works, in which it is then possible to believe".
Laurent Bury, Forum Opéra Magazine February 2018 - CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies. Note: 3 étoiles du Forum Opéra Magazine
" Mariam Sarkissian enchants with this series of melodies by a young emerging composer. <...> She offers her warm voice to those moments of "little melodic happinesses" that we will savor like sweets."
Jean-Jacques Millo, Opus HD Magazine April 2018 - CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies. Note: 3/3 Opus

"To hear all of these later success elements of operetta in embryo form in these 14 early songs is thrilling. The two soloists deliver them lively and with great charm - Mariam Sarkissian with opulent Russian mezzo tones. <...> Let’s hope more such goodies will follow."
Kevin Clarke, Operetta Research Center February 2018 - CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies

"Mariam Sarkissian, with her beautiful, engaging voice, at once so sensual and hemmed in by shadows, opens up unexpected perspectives, complementing these pieces and duets for cello which, in their time, may have surprised those for whom Offenbach was just a sound itching powder. Only a real musician could bring to these delicate melodies the full richness of their sound matter: Mariam Sarkissian is that musician who takes us into this attic full of discoveries."
Alain Duault, Extrait de la préface du CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies. Janvier 2018
"In these rarely performed melodies, Offenbach reveals his intimate and lyrical side. <...> Mariam Sarkissian is a passionate interpreter of these rare romantic melodies."
Leidenschaft für Musik Février 2018 - CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies
"Velvety, smooth mezzo-soprano, superbly phrased by Mariam Sarkissian".
Jacques Duffourg-Müller, Clic Mag Musique N°59, April 2018 - CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies
"We were touched by the Canti paralleli's deep nostalgia of the Armenian comoser Tigran Mansurian, and now the mezzo-soprano Mariam Sarkissian returns with this CD dedicated to a very different repertoire. But it is with all the commitment, attention and passion, usually dedicated to consecrated masterpieces, that Mariam Sarkissian approaches these Melodies by Jacques Offenbach. <...> A refreshing and easy listening disc."
Ferruccio Nuzzo, Grey panthers, Mars 2018 - CD Jacques Offenbach. Mélodies
"The long instrumental part, dark and full of mystery, delicately intertwines with the sober and elegant singing of Mariam Sarkissian, an artist devoted to the diffusion of new or forgotten repertoires, whose deep voice here expresses a captivating seriousness."
Charlotte Saulneron, ResMusica 15 Novembre 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental music. Note: La Clef du moi de ResMusica

"Mansurian's impressionistic orchestral song-cycle Canti Paralleli is the highlight of this introspective disc, thanks to the beautiful velvety tones of mezzo Mariam Sarkssian."
BBC Music Magazine Octobre 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental music. Note: 4 étoiles du BBC Music Magazine

"Deeply and subtly performed by Mariam Sarkissian, the songs transport the listener out of time and touch him directly to the heart".
Options Magazine N°630, Octobre 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental music
"The clear, sober and powerful mezzo-soprano of Mariam Sarkassian is a perfect match, she sings with heart and passion, while the Musica Viva Moscow Chamber Orchestra under Alexander Rudin's direction accompanies her with equal emotion."
Rainer W. Janka, Klassik Heute Octobre 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental music

"Eight melodies of an elegiac and twilight music, with pure vocal lines, exemplary of the lyrical renaissance coming from the East. <…> Mariam Sarkssian captures the work with precision and gives it a poignant simplicity."
Sarah Léon, Classica, Septembre 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental music. Note: 4 étoiles du Classica
"Canti Paralleli, animated by a deep nostalgia, are beautifully performed by Mariam Sarkissian."
Ferruccio Nuzzo, Grey panthers, 22 Novembre 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental music
"We can only be amazed by this morose delight of precious alchemy between voice and various instruments, all in equal parts in a muffled and crystal clear chamber music, privileging a slow rhythm on which develop and rise up a gigantic arabesque - the superb stratospheric singing of the young French mezzo Mariam Sarkissian."
Franck Mallet, Musikzen 17 Septembre 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental musiс

"A reference recording for lovers of voice and poetry."
Marguerite Haladjian, Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine N° 242, Juillet 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental musiс
"Mariam Sarkissian's voice dresses the plaintive and passionate songs of "Canti Paralleli" with golden shades, while the Moscow Chamber Orchestra Musica Viva seems to offer the orchestral counterpart with silence as a point of osmosis. Here is definitely a music that is undeniably evocative, impossible to ignore and that will engrave memories for a long time to come."
Jean-Jacques Millo, Opus HD Magazine, Juillet 2017 - CD Tigran Mansurian. Songs and instrumental musiс. Note: Opus d'Or
"Clarinetist Julian Milkis and Mariam Sarkissian offered moments of pure emotion on the Three Cities cycle composed for them by Ilya Dimov on poems by Federico Garcia Lorca, in a performance of extraordinary dramatic power."
L'Yonne Républicaine, 3 octobre 2016, Concert au Théatre de Villeneuve-sur-Yonne, France
"A rather melancholic first part showed the fullness of the singer's voice and her very sensitive interpretation of Tchaikovsky and Ippolitov-Ivanov. The second part made us appreciate the subtleties and controlled freedom of Mariam Sarkissian in the three melodies of Ilya Dimov on verses by F.G. Lorca <...> and especially in the two vocalises of Alexander Arutiunian written for the sublime Zara Dolukhanova, Mariam was stunning."
Alakyaz N°45, Octobre 2016, Concert à la Salle Cortot, Paris
''The Three Romances of Tigran Mansurian are particularly haunting, and are sung with intensity and a dark color by Sarkissian. <...>
Sarkissian demonstrates a lyric mezzo-soprano voice capable of a wide range of color and employed with imagination. We should be grateful for what she does provide and her sensitive rendering of some very dramatic music. “Soul of My Soul,” one of the Four Hayrens from Nahapet Kuchak’s Poetry, is chillingly delivered."
Fanfare Magazine, 39:6, July / August 2016, "Armenian Composers" CD
"Gifted with a rossinian mezzo voice timbre of rare beauty, irreproachable diction and a very fine sense of style <...> The singer has succeeded in completely bringing out the dramatic character and the depth of the feelings engraved in this work. <…>
The finesse of the phrasing, the meaningful articulation of each emitted sound, the richness of the nuances have marked all the interpreted vocal cycles. <…>
Coming back to Mariam Sarkissian's first performances in front of Yerevan audiences, we should note that the singer is in the period of all the plenitude of her art".
La Voix d’Arménie, 3 mai 2016, Concerts à Cafesjian Hall, Erevan
"Mariam Sarkissian, who lives in Paris, possesses all the vocal qualities, as well as a rare musical intelligence, to bring us this music in all its authenticity. Her warm and expressive voice adapts to all the nuances of these pieces, which seem exotic to our Parisian ears, with precision and accuracy."
Concerts Paris JLP - Comptes-rendus de concerts à Paris, 16 février 2016, Concert au Centre Chostakovitch, Paris
"With her voice full of depth, rich in the most subtle nuances, Mariam Sarkissian performed extracts from the vocal cycles of Romanos Mélikian, Tigran Mansourian and Alexandre Aroutiounian. <...> The singer's interpretation was distinguished by an extreme richness of emotion.", 21 avril 2016, Récital de musique arménienne à Cafesjian Hall, Erevan

"For those who have been following Mariam Sarkissian's career in France for the past few years, this new album will not mark the discovery of a voice, but the confirmation of a talent that has been noticed and appreciated."
Laurent Bury, Forum Opéra Magazine 4 Janvier 2016 - CD Armenian Composers. Note: 4/4 cœurs du Forum Opéra Magazine
"The mezzo-soprano at her best has the strength of youth and the rigour of experience. She dominates the melodic style with an irresistible art of expression that only a perfect mastery of the text and the music grants to the performer: to express in a few moments a world, a multitude of impressions, images, feelings to share. The voice, full and rich in harmonics, is sheathed, supple and technically reliable."
Le Commercial du Gard - Culture N° 52, décembre 2015
Nouvelles d'Arménie Magazine N° 224, présentation du CD "Armenian composers", décembre 2015

"Tchaikovsky's "Russian character" and "sentimentalism" give way to a delicate reserve. It seems that Mariam Sarkissian is consciously underlining the "European" character of these melodies, without forcing any emotion."
La Vie Musicale Septembre 2015 - CD "Tristesse des choses"
Académie du Disque Lyrique - S ,
CD "Tristesse des choses"
"It must be recognized that this recording comes to fill a patent discographic void, and therefore represents an important documentary and artistic value <...> Mariam Sarkissian's ample and warm voice finds its place in this repertoire <...> An aesthetics that will undoubtedly seduce lovers of great operatic voices. '', mars 2015
"Mariam Sarkissian’s art of phrasing and perfect diction, the instrumental musicality of her singing, the delicacy of her pronunciation give these verses an essence and image of deep authenticity. At times it seems that the song "speaks" as it unfolds in intense ruptures…"
Le Commercial du Gard - Culture, No 22 mai-juin 2015
“Her exceptionally rich vocal palette is seductive, and one is very quickly overcome with emotion. A mezzo with a powerful voice, Mariam Sarkissian knows how to be “melodically lyrical”, agile, without overdoing it. There is power in the restraint, beauty in the performance!”, mai 2015
"The artist places the poet at the centre of the musical narrative, thereby emphasising the particular importance of each of the words being sung. And then, Mariam Sarkissian’s impeccable diction definitively convinces us <...> Mariam Sarkissian’s vocal range is exceptionally rich, from the most vivid colors stirring emotions to halftone softest pastels that blend into the mist”.
American Musicological Society, September 2014 - Album ''Jeunesse lointaine'', Suoni e Colori 2014
“The two composers are interpreted superbly by the Moscow mezzo who completed her singing studies in Paris: the timbre is rich, but the voice of Mariam Sarkissian is agile and knows how to not to overburden these compositions. We follow with interest the trajectory of this engaging artist”.
Forum Opéra Magazine, 13 mars 2015 - Album ''Jeunesse lointaine'', Suoni e Colori 2014
"Throughout the disc, we can enjoy the beautiful, supple voice, rich in nuances, equal in all registers and perfect in the diction of Mariam Sarkissian who appears here as an indisputable master and a fine interpreter of the "Russian Lied''.
Gramophone Magazine Russia, juillet 2014 - Album ''Jeunesse lointaine'', Suoni e Colori 2014
“The exceptional qualities of her voice, the intensity, radiant luminosity and elegance of her diction add up to an art of performing songs that go beyond the words conveying the purest and truest thoughts the poet and give us the feeling of timeless and yet fleeting harmony. ... It is exceptional because whereas there are great baritones or tenors able to excel in the Melodie and Lieder genres, female singers are rare in the art of melody.”
Informateur Judiciaire - Culture, juin 2014
"Mariam Sarkissian arrives on stage and her deep mezzo-soprano voice charms us.''
Ouest France, septembre 2013
"Mariam Sarkissian's beautiful warm voice, musicality and expressiveness do wonders in the role of Zanetto."
Jean-Marcel Humbert, Forum Opéra Magazine, 28 mai 2013
"Mezzo Mariam Sarkissian and soprano Maria Virginia Savastano each live out their characters with poignant truth, and their voices blend beautifully, uniting the velvety amber finesse of the former with the radiant brilliance of the latter, both singing superbly, unfolding the melodic lines to their fullest extent. "
Nicolas Grienenberger, Classique News, juin 2013
"Mariam Sarkissian appears suspended from an iron staircase overlooking the stage and plays the role of a Zanetto in a leather jacket with dreadlocks. The pure and fresh voice of the singer does wonders <...>"
Bruno Villien, Opera Magazine France, juillet-août 2013
"Zanetto is refined, leaving all the lyricism of the situation and the sublime voice of Mariam Sarkissian at the front of the stage. We are spellbound.", juin 2013
"Mariam Sarkissian's beautiful mezzo coloratura voice and expressive musicality are wonderful in the transvestite role of Zanetto.", juin 2013
ClassicToulouse, 23 decembre 2012 - La Belle Hélène, Théâtre du Capitole, décembre 2012
"A warm tone and a generous expression.", juillet 2013
"Mariam Sarkissian throws a golden arrow in our hearts! From the fleshy opulence of her velvety low register to her perfect high notes of ease, the slender and supple vocal girdle announces a most rossinian kind of mezzo colouratura. The golden timbre with infinite harmonics, an absolute accuracy and an unfailing breath and above all a perfect art of the sung phrase like recitatives ''parlando''. <...> Mariam Sarkissian possesses the regularity and suppleness of authentic and natural voices."
Informateur Judiciaire - Culture, janvier 2013
"Mariam Sarkissian brightens the stage with her lively and tender allure, with an enchanting smile that reveals a beautiful, stable, fleshy voice with shimmering inflections."
Amalthée,, decembre 2012
Patrice Henriot, Opera Magazine France, juillet 2012 - Le Nozze di Figaro, Festival d’Antibes, juillet 2012
“ Mariam Sarkissian, in the role of Cherubino, caught the right mood of gauche adolescence. Her "Voi che sapete" was one of the high points. ”
Fr2Day, 12 juillet 2012
Serenata theatrale, J.S. Kusser, Budapest 2010
RevizorOnline, 20 janvier 2011
"Mariam Sarkissian, mezzo-soprano, performs Rosina's aria from Rossini's Barber of Seville "Una Voce poco fa" with great authority. The voice is beautiful, full, warm, supple and agile. <...> To complete the programme, she sings Nicklausse's aria from Offenbach's Tales of Hoffmann "C'est l'amour vainqueur" and proves to the conquered public that she is a future great representative of the role."
CultureMag, 30 décembre 2010 - Salle Cortot, Paris, décembre 2010
"Mariam Sarkissian is demonstrating a skill that is already assured with the famous "Parto, parto" from the Mozartian Clemenza di Tito. The voice is full, mature, magnificent in colour, with excellent agility, and the performer dazzles with her talent as a tragedian, with her stage presence emanating a poignant emotion. <...> Not wanting to stop there, the young mezzo embarks on Rossini's Cenerentola rondo, "Nacqui all'affanno", superbly sung right up to the terrible final vocalises, with great precision and beautiful audacity in the ornamentation, perfectly executed.
Definitely a name to follow."
Nicolas Grienenberger, ClassiqueNews, 17 décembre 2010, Palais de la Culture, Puteaux